The Different Colors Of Leading People


Leading people is very much like the mosaic above.  The closer you get the more intricate the scene becomes-but beautiful.  Sadly, this idea is not taught or embraced often in the halls of management and leadership.  Why?  It's tough and leadership implies this reality.

We, as a culture, will continue to fail at leading as long as we expect people to be one or two shades only.  Expecting this implies that leadership should be easy.  You can complain about a lack of cooperation amongst your team or not enough time to engage in the moment with a customer.  But in the end, leading is a complex matter.

The complex matter is made simple with love.  So that you're left with a simple, but hard road to travel on. This is good.

I wrote earlier in the week about authenticity.  It's more important than ever today.  The climate makes this so.  Testing your level of authenticity is vital in the impact you're having on customers, employees, family, and the world.  For example, if you treat your employees like crap, but in the next engagement you tell the customer how important they are.  You're nothing but a fake.  And by the way, your customers will figure this out-sooner than later.

So how about the leading part?  Do you really want to lead people?  Do you want to engage and connect with a multicolored mosaic?  It's okay if you don't, just get out of the way and chart a new path.

The world is waiting for honest answers here.