Embracing the Unknown

Humans are normally apprehensive about the unknown.  Most want to know what’s behind the door, or where the next step will lead.  One danger in this approach is that we miss the moments in front of us.  We should always remember that there will always be an "unknown" as we travel through life.  It is not a question of if, but of when.

The key in life is in understanding creation and it’s creator.  If you wanted to know how Blue Tooth technology works you’d consult the manual, and better yet the designer of the system.  I won’t go into a commentary on religion, but as a follower of Jesus Christ, I have found a model that comes to me where I’m at. 

Unknowns are solved by faith, whether you believe in Jesus or Buddha.  Faith gives you the steam to move even though everything hasn’t been spelled out.  Think about the times you’ve made decisions around career, love and other life directions.  More than likely you had to "step out."

If you’re in the group that struggles with the unknown take note of the following:

  1. See my second paragraph from above.
  2. Get on purpose and take more risks!  Start with small ones and build up.
  3. Get a mentor who can help you along the path.
  4. Embrace and don’t fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) the unknown.  The unknown is where our greatest opportunities exist.
  5. Stop walking blind and stupid.  We’ve all made stupid decisions, but the more we minimize those types of decisions the better we’ll be.