How Elitism Can Poison You and Your Organization

When an organization gets lazy and just reads from the manual, they have probably embraced elitism.  Some might call this plain old laziness.  Individuals can make the same fatal mistake too.  Just take a look at many senior leaders in corporate America today. 

You can reach elite status in many ways.  You may work in corporate America and just got a big promotion or your organization may have been profiled in the latest issue of Fast Company too.  Above all its about a mindset.  Organizations, and people, who take the path to elitism are destined to fail.  Why?  Elitism is built on the idea that you are superior to everyone (even those who truly are better than you are).  The subtle deception of elitism is found in the irony of outward success, but inward waste. 

Here’s how to know if you’re (individual) an elitist…some of these can be applied to an organization as well:

  • You’re not willing to listen to the voice of others.
  • You look for your work to validate who you are.
  • You think you’re the only one with the answer.
  • You spend a lot of time defending your policies and procedures.
  • You’re suspicious of others in the organization because they think differently.
  • You don’t have an exit strategy.
  • You are not well liked, but you think you are.

Is there hope for you?  Yes, but elitists often die-hard.  Authentic change begins with a decision to turn around.  Your future will be defined by the choice you make.  Just ask Neo: