Thoughts Around Good Friday

A very special day for me, Good Friday.  In this frame I find myself thinking of my areas of purpose and destiny.  My post is not meant to be too personal or a downer. 

I am struck by what Good Friday represents.  For me, a day of surrendering to your destiny.  The man on the cross new what the cost was and how it played into his destiny.  Is that courage in me?  It is a daunting place to be when you look dead into the eyes of what you were (or are) meant to be.  It can scare you, it can leave you feeling exposed, but it always extends its hand.

Is it crazy that people will ignore their own crossroads experience?  I used to think so, but not anymore.  In America, there has been so much change delivered at a pace unlike any time in our history.  Things that were steady are now in question.  The history we thought would be our future is not so "for sure."  Imagine this, there are people who are holding on tightly to the security promised by an employer (implied or otherwise).  All the while, the employer is soon to be disrupted by a start-up in some place thousands of miles away. 

What is security?

My advice is to get aligned with who you really are and the destiny that follows.  That will weather many, if not all changes.  So if you're an artist, then be an artist.  Damn the voices that say you can't take such risks or that no one will understand.  Anything less will result in regret, or worse, medication to numb you from the truth you aren't willing to face.

I know my post title may have led you to believe I was going to write something religious, but the significance of Good Friday (this one anyway) is about being ok with who you are open and honest.  And the courage to go where your destiny is leading.  For whatever you may think of the man, Jesus did a beautiful job of it.



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